Sunday, September 23, 2012

9 months old!

It is hard to believe that Ella's first year is 3/4 of the way over. Ella has proven to be one of the greatest gifts from God. She has taught me and Tim a lot about ourselves as individuals, as parents, as marriage partners, and as children of God. Being a mom has taught me patience, compassion, discipline, grace, and the overwhelming depth of God's strength and mercy.

Over the past month Ella has grown and learned a lot. She is becoming more of a toddler and less of a baby. She has become a fast crawler, perfected the ability to pull up and cruise, has fed herself complete meals (we have done baby-led weaning where she has eaten non-pureed foods since 7 months), has said "momma," "daddy," and something that sounds a lot like "Ella," and is speaking a lot of gibberish. I love having little "conversations" with her and cannot wait for her to start talking more.

We are beginning to push baby sign language. Ella's strong personality results in a lot of yelling and frustration and we want to teach her correct communication instead of listening to whining and yelling. So far she has mimicked me in signing "all done" at the end of a meal. It is exciting to see concepts connect in her brain.

Ella's personality has blossomed even more into a social butterfly. While she does get attached to mommy when she is tired or upset, she typcially loves to be around other people and kids. She screams with joy when we pass by the kids play area in the mall and loves to follow bigger kids around when we go on our weekly trip to the library.

Ella's favorite foods at 9 months old are cheese, beans, cheerios, and she has grown to really love beets.
Her favorite toys are her cars, blocks, books, and baby doll.
She never sits still and I think we are both going to be slimming down playing chase Ella!

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1 comment:

  1. She is such a sweetie! And you are right - kids are sanctifying! But such a huge blessing! i now get more and more what it means to "delight" in something! :)
