Thursday, September 20, 2012

American Mommy Wars

It has been a couple of month's since Time Magazines notorious breastfeeding cover first caused an uproar. But, the impression that it has made on me is still strong. It has made me realize the tremendous pull of the American mommy wars. It seems like everyone has a widely different and tightly held opinion about how to parent children the "right" way. Raising Ella has taught me to see that every mommy does things differently. Some read baby books and follow them to a T, while others never pick up a book to begin with. Some breastfeed past 1 year, while some formula feed from day one. Baby's co-sleep and sleep in their own cribs. Some cry themselves to sleep while others are nursed or rocked. One way isn't the "right" way. One way isn't the "godly" way. Outside of the moral and biblical training of a child, I have found that the practical do's and don'ts of child raising are extremely flexible. Looking at a class of fifth grade children, I am pretty sure I would not be able to tell who breastfed or drank formula, who ate organic only produce and who was exposed to countless pesticides, or who wore cloth diapers and who wore disposables. These little things just don't matter that much in the end result.

I have seen a couple other blogging moms post a list of the things that they do as moms that they are sure they have messed up their babies according to someone's standards. It is a neat idea and I have decided to follow their example.

These are the ways that we have raised Ella and I am sure someone out there would disagree with us:

Although I was planning to try natural childbirth, I had an epidural and LOVED it.

Ella got a pacifier while in the hospital.

I let Ella have A LOT of independent play. She can play in the living room and her bedroom alone (within reason).

Ella slept in bed by my side 75% of the time until she moved to her own crib at 3.5 months.

I've nursed Ella from birth and don't have a set end date.

We let Ella cry it out for naps and bed.

Ella still nurses at night (mainly because my resolve to let her cry it out at night as opposed to getting back to sleep quickly with nursing is very low at 2am)

We bought jarred baby food and made our own.

We stopped feeding Ella jarred baby food at 7 months and let her self-feed.

Ella has had peanuts, eggs, and dairy products.

I am crazy inconsistent at baby sign language.

Ella loves playing with grass and I wouldn't be surprised if she has eaten some.

We cloth diaper, but I do resort to disposables when doing diaper laundry, traveling, and church. 

I love baby wearing and don't know where I would be without my Moby Wrap and Ergo.

We listen to all different kinds of music around Ella (including Eminem and Mozart)

Ella has watched TV.

When Ella escapes from a diaper change and starts crawling around butt naked I laugh and grab the camera.

I am somewhat lost in regards to the tantrums of a 9 month old and how to discourage those.

I am sure there is more. But the beautiful thing about motherhood is that your kids love you regardless of whether or not you fed them organic or not. I am pretty sure that I will never get thanked for putting Ella in cloth or scolded for getting an epidural. What truly matters is that you show your kids the love of Christ and the power of the gospel. That they are healthy, loved, and guided in truth. 

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  1. I'm right there with you on most of these!! My 5 mo old listens to anything from reggeaton to classical and everything in between! haha

    I too also strive to show my kids the grace and mercy that Jesus gives me. God bless you and your family :D

    1. Thanks! Parenting is an amazing journey. And we are all bound to mess up one way or another. That's when the grace and mercy of Christ becomes clear to both us and our kids.
