Monday, October 1, 2012

She's God's Baby First

Ella's 9 month physical was a bit more chaotic than I expected. What I thought would be a 20 minute long well baby visit, turned out to be an hour long look at Ella's hips and head.

Developmentally Ella is doing fantastic. She is hitting all of her social, gross/fine motor skills, cognitive,  and verbal milestones. The doctors and nurses commented on how loud and verbal Ella is. You could hear her talking and yelling from the waiting room!

The pediatricians first concern was when she was calculating the percentages for Ella's weight, height, and head circumference. Her height and weight have stayed around 50%, but her head has jumped about 2 percentage points to the 90th percentile. It had been at the 75th percentile from birth, had a slight increase at 6 months, and took a good jump over the past 3 months. Because of this, Ella has been referred to a neurosurgeon to get her head circumference evaluated and to make sure there are no issues such as a disorder or fluid in the skull. Most likely, Ella has been blessed with her daddy's big head!

Our second concern was with Ella's hips. When the pedi went to make sure that Ella's hips were even, she noticed an extra skin roll in one of her legs. This is a common sign of Hip Dysplasia in which the hip sockets are not forming correctly. We were sent to the Children's Hospital for a hip x-ray. Fortunately, the x-ray came back normal and Ella's hips are perfect :)

Although Ella is most likely a healthy and thriving baby girl, these two concerns reminded me that while Ella may be our physical daughter, she is first and foremost God's. God is the one who decided that we needed Ella in our lives and God is the one who decides how her life develops. God has reminded me that He is in control over all aspects of Ella's life. Over how she grows and learns. Over when she learns to walk. Over her personality and temperament. Even over these scares that come along as we raise her.

Our God is a powerful and loving God. He has a plan and a purpose for Ella's life. Becoming pregnant with Ella and raising her these past 9 months have taught me to trust God with the big and little things in life. As she becomes more independent and determined, I will continually have to draw on the truth that God has my little girl in His hand. She is God's baby and he has blessed us with the opportunity and responsibility of raising her for Him.

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